Welcome to The healing Cell of the oak 🌳Where creativity alchemizes growth


Our coaching services aim to unlock untapped potential in individuals, with a focus on empowering the neurodiverse population, supporting those nonverbal learning disability, mutism and autism, guiding individuals discovering neurodiversity later in life. We serve parents, guardians and professionals working with this niche.

This community was created in 2017 and was founded by Sue Bayley’s desire to tap into the potential of neurodistinct and sensitive people. Susan Mason, co-founder, is a collaborator and content co-creator. We want to affect change for those in our community to feel a sense of belonging in the world. Often the barrier comes from early trauma, overwhelm, low self-esteem, or lack of self awareness.

Amidst these internal battles, “Tangled Tree Tribe is your gateway to a rejuvenated self."

We teach how to untangle the muddles that get in the way of connection and community. We commit to advocating for unshaming and belonging as a global movement in the hope of tapping the human potential of the voiceless and marginalised.

When we started Tangledtreetribe we refused to buy into the prevailing culture. We are pioneers that believe in fairness, equality, and opportunity and therefore against common thinking. We want to be inclusive in our pricing.

We were so invested in being inclusive that we spent our money finding out how to be equitable by hiring a specialist.

Here we are 7 years later flourishing and thriving. We offer sliding scale pricing. We work pro bono and offer equity scholarships.

Finally, other businesses are catching on to the idea that building inclusivity and equity in marketing in business is essential.

We are proud we took our stand for inclusivity from the very beginning as we believe that each person in overwhelm needs a chance to find a social prescription.

Thank you to all of trusted beloveds for belonging to the Tangledtreetribe - The Healing Tree House - where we want you to feel like you belong and matter.

We want to emphasise that we embrace and value all beings in their diverse identities. While we may use the terms She/He, Man/Woman, Masculine/Feminine for the sake of simplicity when discussing identities.

It is our belief that every individual's journey is unique, perfect, and divinely assigned, based on their own gifts and imprints. We fully support and affirm the ability of everyone to connect with the content we provide.

Our belief is “Coaching, can and should be, a joyful act of service that creates stronger individuals, families and communities.”

We continue to offer tiered, class-equitable, pay-what-supports-you pricing. We can clarify what that means for you in our first clarity call. However, what you see below is what normally happens.

Courage and integrity are two core values that matter to us and this applies to your financial situation as well. It’s a fine line to be respectful to our needs and listen to your needs.

Offerings: Our 1:1 offerings are paid as one off sessions, payable after services are rendered with a money back guarantee.

Sue Bayley, a person with autism, refers to herself as "The Autistic Advocate" due to her unique ability to communicate with those who are neurodistinct.

Group coaching with Sue Bayley in specialty areas:

Tapping into unfulfilled potential of those who are 1) those who are neurodiverse, especially nonverbal learning disability, autism and/or mutism; 2) those support ND individuals and 3) those who discovered their neurodiversity later on in life.

In person or via Zoom: contact Sue Bayley

$120.00 60-minute virtual teaching and coaching session.

This price point is for you if you are able to pay for "wants" and spend little time worrying about securing necessities in your life:

$60.00 60-Minute virtual teaching and coaching session

This price point is for you if you have access to basic needs such as food, housing, and childcare, though sometimes it may feel difficult.

$10.00-$50.00 60-minute teaching and session sliding scale

This price point is for you if you are on benefits or support. Book a complimentary clarity call for 20 minutes to discuss.

Visit our store for Books / E-books available for purchase. 


Meet Sue Bayley

So, I have Non-Verbal Learning Disability, often known as NVLD.

It’s always been a part of me, yet not truly identified until I took a late teen / young adult for a dyslexic test. And she refused to participate unless I did one too. Yes, she had dyslexia, and I had a weird spiky profile, with genius levels and below average levels based on my gifts and challenges. At this point I was 47 years old.

I had always known that I was different, and I will say more in a moment, yet it was a fleeting awareness until I was gaslighted, or bullied, or abused. And that was the start of a journey to know myself and develop some strategies to cope with a world which had always been alien, out of reach, and scary.

Sometimes NVLD:

* Causes difficulty with motor skills, let me explain, when I dance, I can be graceful or ungainly depending on how my body is on the day. And when I was younger, I use to get into trouble because my writing was hard to read, and frequently not on the lines, like that of my peers.

* Adds to my anxiety when driving, as my visual-spatial skills are weaker than some people. It means that I like a small car because I know it is within the white lines, if it’s bigger, I lose perspective. And I hate driving in rush hour or at night, due to the extra stimuli.

* Makes me hypersensitive, or exquisitely sensitive, especially to repetitive noises like hand dryers in airports and many shops, and escalators, or noises once electronica is turned off

* Gives me a feeling of loneliness in a group, as I don’t know how to join in the conversation, yet 1/1 I am eloquent and confident.

Yet before a cloud of despair descends over you. Let me say that once I learned strategies to cope with my challenges, I am grateful that I am Neuro distinct. And if you read the other pages on this site, you will see that my WHY, in essence, giving a voice to the voiceless and meaning to the marginalised, especially those with neurodiverse minds, and those who are neurotypical and want to connect with different world views.

* Here is a fresh, more hopeful perspective.

G.I.F.T.s a Neuro diverse perspective for a global listener.

You never know the true nature of an experience. As a mute 3-year-old child, I was taken to an educational psychologist. They used my family one Christmas to capture and witness, with whom I connected with the most. This led to my great grannie being my legal guardian. You have access to my catalyst right there. The voice that has resulted from choice to speak in the world about what is like to be and an un-diagnosed child, teen and adult with with non-verbal learning disorder. 

Great grannie also an earth angel, left me a 16, as she died from a stroke, and consequential struggles and triumphs all were grist for my gifts.

* Sometimes it is possible to rise above your current situation, by knowing how to retrieve the lessons from what were tough, painful and not ok experiences. If you are here reading these words, you probably have a few of your own stories.

* As a child, I struggled, I was well spoken, and wrote well, yet I misunderstood subtle social cues and comprehension of of abstract concepts.

* Often, I still feel sad in a social situation, as I miss out on why some people love small talk, sarcasm and irony. I don’t. I like meaningful honest conversation that leads to true understanding of the other person in front of me. 

* It is strange to reflect on how my NVLD attempted to get through to me, one day I did a collage at work, in a group session with nine other people. At the end of the session, we were invited to share our artwork. When I started to share what the symbols meant from my design, I was told to stop, as the subject was too deep / honest for the group. I put my gag back on.

* Sometimes courage takes me outside my comfort Zone, like when I flew to Hawaii on my own, or when I spoke in The House of Lords in 2019. Why stretch myself so far outside the normal terms of my life, because getting the message out there that Neurodiverse and Neurotypical individuals are not broken. And definitely don’t need to be fixed, just given love, respect and dignity to find their own way on life’s path, without the judgement, projections and fears. This is why. And to give them back their voice and meaning to their journey here on earth.

Tangledtreetribe readers with Autism / Neurodivergence I see you.

Sending you light and love,

Sue Bayley


Sue Bayley’s Offering

I offer a FREE 20-minute consultation to help you have clarity on how you and I can work together.

I have many areas of expertise.

  • life purpose and career direction,

  • ethical and spiritual values,

  • relational intelligence,

  • creative expression,

  • body intelligence; and

  • ministry

After completing the FREE 20-minute consultation, if you would like to continue coaching with me, let’s book our first session.

I schedule all of my consultations via email at Sue Bayley.


Talks that led to theTangled Tree Tribe, The Healing Tree House 🏡

By Sue Bayley /Founder

A tree can be a thing of beauty, a life-line or a gnarled mess

depending on the person who views it.

Why do I say that?

Like trees, humans can also be a thing of beauty. Because when I consider individuals who have suffered trauma; grief; disability diagnosis; anxiety, panic attacks; felt exiled from life and community; and themselves; I see the beauty in them too.

Let me give you a couple of examples:

I used to compare myself to an old gnarled oak tree; it had quite visible scars on its trunk.

I resonated with that tree because it was imperfect; it was scarred. I knew I had found a symbol in nature that represented the imperfect me. This tree inspired me to move in the new direction of travel to fulfill my soul purpose. I have travelled to many countries, to find different pieces of my fragmented self.

And I knew I had to share my discoveries with families who are looking for an answer to the overwhelm that comes from neurodiversity.


Creativity is the healing Force of the Universe


 The Tangledtreetribe Mission

At Tangled Tree Tribe, we believe millions of people are in overwhelm and are unable to see their potential and the opportunities in front of them. Often feeling demoralised and wounded they live in the past and the unconscious events often have brought them to this point. And it doesn’t have to be this way.

That is why we created Tangledtreetribe seven years ago - to show you how you can shift your perspective and identify your gifts and superpowers which will offer you a new lease on life.

Tangledtreetribe is an Inclusive Community for All.

Welcome to a community where every voice, story, and spirit finds a home. We celebrate the rebels, embrace the misfits, and stand with the outsiders. We extend our hands to the voiceless and marginalised, the black sheep, and those who’ve felt unseen and unheard. However, we invite our clients and community members to shift their awareness and vibration to be the best self they can be with courage and integrity.

In this community, your experiences and insights are essential. Abandon self-doubt and hesitation at the door, for here, every part of you is celebrated. We honor the wisdom that comes from living as a soul learning on earth.

This is not just an invitation but a call to step into the unapologetic you. This is where we sing our songs of diversity with boldness and courage.

In the harmony of our different voices, in the symphony of our united stories, we find a strength and resonance that sings louder than any voice could alone. You’re not just invited; you’re needed. Together, as a chorus of varied and vital voices, we’re not just strong, but unshakeable. Welcome to the community where you’re never alone, and where your voice is eagerly awaited to join the song.

This is our promise to you.

#voiceforthevoiceless - autism acceptance starts here.

Sue Bayley